Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Protein Power: Almonds


Rich in fiber, free of cholesterol, and full of healthy fats and protein, it is no wonder almonds are a staple of any health junkie’s diet. One serving of almonds, approximately 24 nuts, is about 160 calories and contains 6 grams of protein, 12 percent of your daily value if you eat a 2000 calorie diet. It is a good snack to have when studying because the high amount of protein will fill you up without slowing you down. According to Grete Hornstrom, a clinical dietician specializing in pediatrics, almonds have been shown to boost the immune system and play a role in skin health. Almonds can be found in a variety of flavors, but the healthiest are the raw or natural almonds.  Without the added sodium, sugar, and fats that come from processing the different varieties, almonds combined with other proteins contribute to a well-balanced, protein efficient diet, according to nutrition data found on Self Magazine's website. If you substitute one serving of almonds with one single-serving bag of potato chips you gain four grams of protein along with an eight percent increase in dietary fiber, a 31 percent increase in Vitamin E, a 16 percent increase in Magnesium and a four percent increase in Iron for the same amount of calories. To incorporate almonds into your diet, add them to yogurt and salads, or grind them up and add them to health smoothies for an added protein boost. Almonds are also great to eat alone. They can be bought at virtually any grocery, or convenience store, and in any of the markets on Miami University’s campus. Photo by: Olivia Braude