Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

The Benefits of Green Tea


Green tea has been around for thousands of years, most notably as a traditional part of the Chinese and Japanese diets. Today, green tea has expanded its market to the Western world and other areas across the globe, introducing flavors and varieties to attract a wider population to the antioxidant-rich beverage. There are numerous benefits to drinking green tea but it has emerged in the West as a weight-loss tool because of its supposed ability to boost metabolism and suppress appetite. However, studies are still being done how much green tea has to be consumed in order to reap these benefits. The current data, according to, suggests 5 cups per day will lead to 90 additional calories burnt per day. Green tea diet pills are growing in popularity. More research needs to be conducted in order to determine the pills’ effectiveness, but the pills claim to use the same leaves used in making liquid green tea, according to an article by Discovery Health. Although the statistics on green tea’s weight-loss properties are still dubious, there is no question regarding the amazing source of antioxidants that green tea provides. In a study done by the University of Maryland Medical Center, green tea contains the highest amount of powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols. Polyphenols can neutralize free-radicals, which cause cells to change, DNA damage and cell death, the study said. Antioxidants are also thought to slow the aging process and help prevent some cancers. Tea comes in varieties such as bottled, loose-leaf, and bags. Bags are the most popular on college campuses, followed by bottled tea products. Many of the bottled tea products, however, have additives and artificial sweeteners. If you choose a bottled green tea, be sure to check the label and buy unsweetened to obtain the full benefits of green tea.