Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Oxford’s Interfaith Climate Change Work Group


Are you interested in green issues?  Do you like to socialize with other environmentally conscious people?  Do you feel comfortable discussing your religion?  If you answered yes to any of these three questions, then the Oxford Interfaith Climate Change Work Group, or the ICCWG could be the perfect fit for you!

The ICCWG is a coalition of Oxford area churches that formed in 2007 to work on earth stewardship.  This group supports the work of individual congregations and they are working to reduce environmental impacts as a way of preserving God’s creation.  The ICCWG has worked on many community-related projects while sponsoring speakers, generating workshops and developing educational materials regarding practical steps individuals and groups can take to protect and conserve the environment.

Recently, the group took a major step in enhancing the City of Oxford’s energy efficiency through their work with the Oxford City Council and Miami University.

Additionally, the Oxford ICCWG has partnerships with other green groups on Miami’s campus, especially through its collaboration on “Green Screen.”  The ICCWG and Green Oxford partners together to show environmentally conscious films and documentaries focused on social issues, followed by discussion at the Oxford Community Art Center three times each semester.

The group meets monthly at the Campus Ministries Center.  The ICCWG welcomes new members who share a passion for the environment.  Currently, they are working on putting together a pamphlet about environmentally friendly buildings in the Oxford area.

For more information contact Peyton Allen: