Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Green Transportation ‘On the Move’ at the Oxford Kinetics Festival


Everyday students, faculty and employees of Miami have to transport themselves across campus and often across town to run errands, go to class, buy groceries and even just to meet friends or family. Much like the familiar routes we travel daily, our forms of transportation have become routine: we walk, bike or drive a car. Our sense of movement is generally limited to these three modes. But what if we could add some creativity to the way we move ourselves around?

The Oxford Kinetics Festival seeks to do just that. Being held this Sunday, April 7, from 12- 4 p.m. at Millett, the Oxford Kinetics Festival seeks to encourage students and the community to use more human powered transportation through an interactive and creative display of innovation. Now going on its third consecutive year of celebration, the 2013 festival promises to open the minds of students and community residents to much more fun and inspiring ways that we can ride our way throughout our daily lives.

The Kinetics Festival encourages the creation of creative, progressive and downright wacky designs for scooters, wagons, bikes, skateboards and anything else that can be piloted on wheels. These contraptions are then tested in the main event, known as the Scramble. This Scramble, “part parade, part race, part obstacle course,” requires both speed and cunning, as participants will be stopped along their route around the Millett loop to answer riddles, solve puzzles or act out amusing skits as per the referees’ requests. The goal of the Scramble is not so much to win, as to revel in the process of racing. Demonstrations from area sculptors, artists and musicians will also be given through out the festival, as well as Toy Lab for children consisting of K’Nex sets, soda bottle rockets and supplies for bike decoration.

Although the deadline for entries into the Scramble is already past, the Oxford Kinetics Festival still promises to be a lively show for families and students, with the ability to connect with area sculptors and Miami faculty interested in encouraging more bike traffic in Oxford. Many of the vehicles seen at the Kinetics Festival are clearly not practical for everyday use, the goal is to remind people of the simple joy of moving yourself on your own power and effort, and how such a renewed attitude can contribute to both a greener and healthier lifestyle.

Don’t miss it, this Sunday, April 7 at Millett!