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KIND Healthy Snacks: Join the Movement

kind image greenhawks

I am sure we have all seen the KIND snack bars in Miami’s many markets, and at King Café and Dividends, but many of you may not know that these awesome snacks (my favorite’s the almond, apricot in yogurt) are not only good for you, but also sustainable. According to their website, “KIND is a brand of all natural whole nut and fruit bars made from ingredients you can see and pronounce and it's also a movement that gives new purpose to snacking.” Furthermore the website goes on to explain how KIND was recently founded in 2003 by Daniel Lubetzky, “a social entrepreneur whom TIME Magazine recognized in 2009 among ‘25 Responsibility Pioneers’ and BusinessWeek named among ‘America’s Most Promising Social Entrepreneurs.’” In addition, it describes the guiding principles of KIND, which are “the power of AND” and “holistic kindness.”

Now personally, I have never heard of anything remotely close to these principles when reading about business models, so I was definitely intrigued. Apparently the “power of AND” refers to the ability to choose healthy AND tasty, as well as convenient AND wholesome, which I think is an interesting concept. The company is actually differentiating themselves by claiming they are both healthy and delicious, as well as “economically sustainable and socially impactful.” The next rule, “holistic kindness,” refers to the need to “be KIND to your body, your taste buds and the world.” Essentially, by purchasing simpler, more natural foods, the consumer will not only be satisfied and healthy, but also have less of a harmful impact on the environment.

Now we can’t pretend that KIND bars aren’t wrapped in plastic, however the message of the company, and their social responsibility definitely persuades me to buy their product (plus the fact they are gluten free). In addition to promoting healthy eating, which is a major issue on college campuses and across the nation as a whole, the company also promotes the KIND Movement. They have an entire section on their site designated to recording the number of completed acts of kindness, general kind acts, shared stories and so on. This type of engagement and dedication to their mission is extremely impressive and just goes to show how sustainability (whether social or environmental) is at the core of many businesses. Therefore, as consumers I encourage you all to substitute your normal snacking bar for a KIND bar instead, from any location I mentioned on campus. By doing this, we can all take the first steps toward being more conscientious consumers.

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