Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Feature Green Business: Schneider Electric

If you’re looking for another sustainable business to add to your job search, then a good place to start is Schneider Electric. This company focuses on providing energy in the most efficient and sustainable way that it can. Schneider Electric consistently follows a sustainable development and foundation program where they focus on intertwining sustainability with business and social issues. Overall the company has an excellent plan for more sustainable business practices. In order to incorporate sustainability into their business model Schneider electric says they consume less, produce more effectively, and improve energy efficiency.   Their actual sustainable development and foundation can be divided into seven parts including sustainable development strategy, planet and society barometer, sustainable governance, environmental protection, social commitments, foundation and alliance to save energy. The fact that Schneider Electric has gone into so much detail about their sustainable development plan truly puts them ahead of the game in regards to “going green.” Even though all of this sounds so great, I certainly had my doubts when reading about the company online. How is it possible that one group is making so much effort, while many businesses refuse to recognize the need for change? Yet, it is true that Schneider Electric is taking drastic steps in regards to environmental efforts. The business is number one in energy efficiency, which in our energy crisis ridden world, is not something that can be overlooked. Furthermore, the company is constantly taking steps toward reducing energy consumption and waste, as well as reinvesting in the environment.

Overall there is an obvious need for environmentally sustainable business plans and companies need to start looking at businesses like Schneider Electric (and in my previous blog Patagonia) in order to take on the world’s environmental challenges. I hope that many of you readers pursue careers at these companies or businesses like them in order to not only do well with your career, but also make a meaningful impact.
