Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Organic Takes on Oxford

By: Taylor Dolven

MOON Market, an organic grocery store, hopes to open in Oxford by March first.

"There is a definite movement towards green and locally grown here," said Alan Kyger, Oxford Economic Development Director.

One of the first members to join the coop was Eugene Goodman, owner and operator of Boulder Belt Eco Farm. He is looking forward to supplying the MOON Coop with Boulder Belt produce.

Goodman has a tent at the uptown farmers market on Saturdays as well as a storefront at his farm in Eaton.

"People are aware of being green in Oxford," he said.

Although Boulder Belt is no longer certified organic or 100% sustainable, Goodman calls his farm "natural."

In order to be completely sustainable, everything the farm produces has to come from within the farm.  Instead of raising cows to produce manure for fertilizer, Goodman buys his fertilizer from outside the farm. His goods are sold in containers that he also purchases from outside the farm.