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Opinion | One senior's 'Sparknotes' help incoming freshmen

Ty Gilligan, Columnist

In lieu of my typical political and current events commentary, I have decided to focus on the incoming first-year class, the class of 2015. (Does 2015 make any other upperclassmen feel old, or is it just me?) I am by no means an expert, but I've lived in a first-year dorm for three years, two years as an RA, and I've given my fair share of advice to first-year students. I will attempt to once again open up my cold, cruel upperclassman heart and provide you with some sagely advice and knowledge on how to succeed during your first year at Miami University.

Now beginning on a somber note, if you are a current freshman, you will be paying around $100,000 if you are in-state, and over $160,000 if you are out-of-state, for your entire four years of education. If you are coming here just to party, that is one VERY expensive party. You are paying for Miami's reputation of excellent academics, so make sure to keep your eye on the prize: your degree!

There are a couple major tips I think first-years should consider in regards to academics. Firstly, I can't stress enough to plan ahead with your class schedule. Make a theoretical schedule for the next four years and plug in all of the required classes for your Miami Plan, divisional requirements and Major classes and see what your schedule will look like. Don't front-load your schedule and take all your hard classes freshman and sophomore years, spread them out and mix in a couple "easier" or elective classes each semester so you don't lose your mind.

Another recommendation I have is to learn your materials for class the first time so you don't waste time having to re-learn it later. Teachers have readings and lectures spread out throughout the semester for a reason; they don't expect you to learn an entire semester of material during finals week. Do the reading, take your notes and learn the material when it is assigned. Then, once finals week comes, you can focus on making flashcards, organizing study groups and reviewing the specific topics you don't quite understand versus trying to read an entire textbook in three days.

In regards to studying, find a place where YOU can effectively study. This doesn't always mean the library. I find it funny that so many people flock to King Library on weeknights and then sit on Facebook or Skype. Being in a library is like a placebo; it makes you feel like you are actually studying, but you still have the responsibility to stay focused. I have always studied in my room (usually in bed while listening to my iPod) because that's where I'm comfortable and not distracted. If you can study successfully in your room, the laundry room, a dining hall, outside on a bench or while running on a treadmill at the REC, then go for it! Everyone studies differently.

In regards to student life, I have a few recommendations. The biggest thing I can stress is that YOUR RA (Resident Assistant) IS YOUR FRIEND. I know that I'm biased for having worked in Residence Life, but the truth is that RA's often have a wealth of knowledge and can help you in most circumstances. They are on your side and it would be a shame if you do not utilize them! Roommate conflicts, academic issues, not knowing how to load money on to your MUlaa account, etc, can all be solved by a visit with your RA.

Another thing I would recommend is to get a job on campus. It will provide you with additional spending money as well as keep you on a routine schedule. Many people organize their time better when they are busier, so you may as well work and make some money!

Lastly, I would recommend making an effort to walk around campus and meet people that you normally would not have associated with in high school. College is a fresh start so take advantage and branch out! Miami is full of diverse, unique and talented people so don't stay in your same circle of friends from high school.

Finally, class of 2015, congrats on your admission into Miami University and have an excellent year! Love and Honor!

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