Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

FAM's first year of negotiations

One year ago, on May 17, nearly two-thirds of Miami University faculty voted to form a union: The Faculty Alliance of Miami. Since then, FAM has made strides negotiating on behalf of its members for increased wages and job protection.

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Talawanda High School busing services have been eliminated for all students as part of the single-tier busing model adopted in March 2023.

Talawanda Board of Education will host work session to discuss start times and school busing

Around 3 p.m. on most weekdays, many students in the Talawanda School District begin their walk home after the Talawanda School District Board of Education voted to reduce busing as a result of budget cuts. The district moved to a single-tier service, meaning that busing is only provided for students in kindergarten through eighth grade who live outside of a two-mile radius from the school.

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