Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

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The Myaamia Center helps to promote the language and culture of the Myaamia people.

Myaamia Center receives $2.1 million grant

The Mellon Foundation awarded the Myaamia Center a $2.1 million grant to expand the National Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages (National BoL). The institute helps tribal communities revitalize their language by using archives and technology.


Political cultural shifts are harming our youth

Assitant Opinion Editor Taylor Powers beleives recent executive orders and political shifts are trying to fundamentally change what we call normal. We’re creating a culture that forbids children from experiencing, accepting and expressing other ways of life.


Political cultural shifts are harming our youth

Assitant Opinion Editor Taylor Powers beleives recent executive orders and political shifts are trying to fundamentally change what we call normal. We’re creating a culture that forbids children from experiencing, accepting and expressing other ways of life.

Fisher Hall, formerly the main building of The Oxford Retreat, was purchased in 1927 by Miami University.

How the site of an asylum became Cook Field

Before Miami University bought the land where Cook Field sits today, The Oxford Retreat took up the prime real estate. The Retreat, founded in 1882, was an asylum for people with mental and nervous disorders and people with drug addictions. It was run by a man named Dr. Harvey Cook, who is the namesake for Cook Field.  

Rockefeller Center was decorated for the 50th anniversary of "Saturday Night Live."

'Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night!'

It started out as a normal Wednesday — on Feb. 12, I woke up, went to my two classes, got coffee with my friend and went back to my apartment to take a nap before weekly The Miami Student production. Before I got the chance to go to sleep, my phone buzzed. I opened it to a notification from X (formerly known as Twitter) I never would have expected in a million years: “Saturday Night Live – SNL shared a photo.”

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